Bermuda Family Photographers: Horrobin Family at Spittal Pond

We had such a fun time with the Horrobin’s at Spittal Pond! It’s crazy to think we’re at the tail end of winter - how is already March? While winter shoots aren’t necessarily on the forefront of every client’s mind, we love them for a variety of reasons: it’s way less hot, the cloud cover means less squinting, and often locations are more isolated than in the middle of summer. Cons? We’re likely to encounter some wind and maybe a shower - but it’s certainly no reason to hold off booking your session! At the end of of the day, we’re all about capturing your family’s amazing, authentic personalities - and this can happen under any conditions. Case in point - the awesome Horrobin famjam! We had a super windy day on the south shore, but those belly laughs? Can’t beat them!

Are you considering squeezing in a March session before the summer season is in full swing? When is your favourite time to shoot?