Bermuda Portrait Photographers: Emmy & Kevin on Front Street

It would appear we’ve taken an unintentional hiatus from social media and our blog, it certainly feels like this month was longer than just 31 days - yet filled with so much to get through. Needless to say, the time to sit and plan our shares fell by the wayside - though I’ve viewing this as a good thing! However - not having a block of time to sit and focus has actually given me the time* to review how we utilise our social media and examine ways that might be more productive and effective. So November is shaping up to be a bit of a transitional month as we fall back into a new pattern.

*Time, as in, mid-shampoo. Doesn’t all inspiration happen in the shower?

BUT coming fresh today - Emmy and Kevin! We first met these two cuties during their maternity session in January last year, which seems like so much longer ago than it really was! Since then we’ve captured their sweet son’s newborn portraits and documented their growing family along the way - but never just the two of them together for the sake of a fun couple session. That’s just what this frolic along Front Street was - and we had a blast as always!

Side note: I think I saw in a news article recently that a group of talented artists restored the Flag Mural - shout-out to whomever you all are, it’s such a fun spot for portraits!!