Bermuda Portrait Photographers: Smith Family, Grape Bay Beach

When we met up with the Smith Family it was their FIRST ever professional family session! And actually, we've shot quite a few firsts this season - which really got us thinking about the whole concept of family sessions. For us, we're luckily enough to photograph families almost every day and has become such a normal, natural and common act. However, when sitting back and thinking about our childhoods, hiring a professional photographer to capture yearly portraits really wasn't the "norm" that it's become today. Any sort of yearly photos - usually for a holiday card - were done on a 36 exposure drug store disposable in the hopes that there'd be at least one halfway decent shot - and likely excluding whichever parent was behind the camera! All that to say we're so excited to have the opportunity to capture family firsts for families like the Smiths!

Leanne, Will and Hayden were a joy to photograph - easygoing and funloving, and perfectly natural in front of the camera. We sincerely hope to continue capturing your fabulous clan for years to come! x