Bermuda Portrait Photographers: Morrell Family, St. George's

The Morrell's 2016 family portrait was a two-fold event - to both capture their yearly portrait and also to provide the "B-Role" footage of us at work for a new commercial the Bermuda Hospitality Institute is producing. Thankfully, as both friends and Portrait Session regulars they were happy to collaborate and since Isla is very used to us taking her picture she was the perfect subject! She spent the session counting the number of cameras (there were three: our Leica, Nikon and the snazzy video camera), finding flotsam in Somer's Garden (a noodle was the most exciting find...random as it was!), and picking flowers for her mummy, Sam. The entire week leading up to our session last Saturday was miserable so everyone involved was glad when we had not only a dry, but warm January afternoon! 

Thanks so much to the BHI for featuring us - and a huge thanks to Sam, Ian and Isla for letting us (all of us) capture your beautiful family again!!


Mark + Ally